Making Preschool Work For Your Family
It’s that time of year where you are probably considering enrolling your child in a preschool program this fall.
It seems like just yesterday that they were little babies cuddling in your arms, and now all of a sudden they are at the age where they are starting to make exciting new memories! Where did the time go?!
But wait, they’re also right at the age where they still need a nap most, if not all, days. Or maybe you notice that they are a hot mess in the evenings once school starts.
Does this mean you have to forego this new adventure?
Absolutely not! Here are some tips on how to handle this big change:
Try scheduling your child into a morning class rather than an afternoon class. Children tend to have much more energy in the morning, so utilize that, and then you still have ample time for a nap when you get home.
Prep lunch. Either have it ready to go as soon as you get home, or offer it in the car to avoid running late for nap and sneaking into the overtired phase.
Continue to offer nap, or rest period. As children grow, they may begin to fight a nap simply because naps are for babies, and they’re big kids now, duh! Changing the language and expectations to a rest period instead can help remove that pressure, and typically results in your child taking a nap anyways. Rest periods should take place in your child’s bedroom, for the same length of time as their nap, and can include quiet activities such as puzzles or books.
Aim for 1-1:30pm for a rest. This is the time of day that will best align with their natural rhythms and offer the most restorative sleep possible to get them rested, recharged, and keep them from melting down in the evening.
Utilize early bedtime. Are these tips simply not possible with your schedule? Or did your child skip that nap today? Get them into bed earlier than normal (anytime after 5:30pm) to help make up for lost sleep. Remember, lost sleep does not simply go away after time. Sleep debt’s build and build and can cause an array of issues including their behaviour!
For kiddos who are no longer napping, bump bedtime up slightly earlier. This will help them rest, recharge, and get ready for another day full of adventures! Notice their cues in the early evening - if they are melting down during supper or bath that’s a sign to get them in to bed ASAP. And once you come to expect or understand these behaviours you can have them in bed before these meltdowns happen!
Ultimately, I want you to remember to enjoy these big accomplishments with your little one!
Don’t spend every single day stressing about how fast you can get them home and ready for sleep. Understand that some days it may not happen, and that is okay, but you have the skills to get back on track.
Make note of any new and/or worsening bedtime battles with your child. It may be due to a lack of sleep, and will only worsen with time if there are no changes made. Click here to see how I can support you in making these positive changes.