Navigating Daylight Savings: Spring Forward
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
Unless you’re a parent…
Daylight Savings typically comes with a lot of anxiety and stress for parents. But luckily, spring forward is actually the easier of the two time changes!
Of course there are numerous ways to plan or prepare for DST, but in this blog post I will be providing you with my Top 4 choices, and step-by-step instructions on how to incorporate them into your child’s sleep routine!
Tip: If you have a child who is currently waking early then this may actually be the answer to your prayers!
Option 1: No Prep
Suitable for: Children who adjust to change easily, or parents who don’t have the time, ability, or desire to make changes to the schedule beforehand.
What to do:
Absolutely nothing! Wake your child at their normal clock based time Sunday
morning, and continue on with the timing of their pre-DST schedule.
(or their new schedule: see note)
Note: This is also a great option for children who are currently waking early or stuck in an early bedtime cycle. Attempt to shift their schedule by letting them sleep an hour later (on the clock) Sunday morning, as well as pushing meals, nap and bedtime an hour later on the clock.
Option 2: Two Days of Prep
Suitable for: Children who adjust to change relatively easy, but do well with some preparation for changes to their schedule. This is also a great option for children who currently wake on the later end of the schedule (7am) to avoid disruption of their nap/bedtime schedule.
What to do:
On Friday, wake your child 30 minutes earlier
than normal, and continue with this schedule
for naptime and bedtime.
On Saturday, wake your child another 30
minutes earlier, and continue with
this schedule for naptime and bedtime.
On Sunday, use your pre-DST schedule for wake time, nap(s), and bedtime.
Option 3: Four Days Of Prep
Suitable for: Children who struggle with change to their schedule, or parents who want to minimize disruption to their current schedule.
What to do:
On Wednesday, wake your child 15 minutes earlier
than normal, and continue with this schedule
for naptime and bedtime.
On Thursday, wake your child another 15
minutes earlier (now 30 minutes earlier than normal), and continue
with this schedule for naptime and bedtime.
On Friday, wake your child another 15
minutes earlier (now 45 minutes earlier than normal), and continue
with this schedule for naptime and bedtime.
On Saturday, wake your child another 15
minutes earlier (now 60 minutes earlier than normal), and continue
with this schedule for naptime and bedtime.
On Sunday, your child will have shifted back to their pre-DST schedule.
*wake them if need be
Option 4: 7 Days Of Prep
Suitable for: Children who struggle with change to their schedule, or parents who want to know they have done everything possible to prepare for DST.
What to do:
On Sunday, wake your child 15 minutes earlier
than normal, and continue with this schedule
for naptime and bedtime.
On Monday, continue with Sunday’s schedule
for waketime, naptime and bedtime.
On Tuesday, wake your child 15 minutes earlier
and continue with this schedule
for naptime and bedtime.
On Wednesday, continue with Tuesday’s schedule
for waketime, naptime and bedtime.
On Thursday, wake your child 15 minutes earlier
and continue with this schedule
for naptime and bedtime.
On Friday, continue with Wednesday schedule
for waketime, naptime and bedtime.
On Saturday, wake your child 15 minutes earlier
and continue with this schedule
for naptime and bedtime.
On Sunday, your child will have shifted back to
their pre-DST schedule.
*wake them if need be
No matter which method you choose, it is important to note that it may take a couple of days for your child to adjust to their new schedule. Have patience, and give yourself and your child grace through this adjustment period. And as always, if your child struggles to adjust, send me a message here and I can help!